Monday 18 June 2012

Sunshine, Lollipops and Rainbows

Today was our last day on the Island of Hvar, voted one of the most beautiful islands in the world.  We've spent our time here primarily at the beach, swimming, reading and basking in the glorious sun.  A little too much basking, in Kel's case... she's got herself a bit of lobster skin, which she blames on the colonialism skin.  Otherwise though, there have been no mishaps here, and we've really loved it.  It's beautiful and picturesque and peaceful.  Despite thousands of visitors, everyone seems to fit into this tiny place, and I haven't felt claustrophobic at all.  The clear blue water is really clean and great to swim in, and it's so salty that floating is effortless.  Paradise, I say!

Today we rented electronic bicycles, and went for a 25km ride.  It was very steadily uphill for the first half, and with the 35° sun beating down on us, it was a bit intense.  The terrain is beautiful though, we biked through lavender fields and mostly abandoned villages, and the altitude gain gave us a really cool view over the island.  There are the remains of rock walls everywhere, whose purpose we have yet to assertain, and also an old road dating from when Napoleon held this part of the Adriatic.

This afternoon, like yesterday, was spent at 'our' spot on the beach.  It's really rocky here, so we're always looking for natural formations that will support and cradle us, and places to get into the water that won't cut our feet, but it's worth it to escape the rest of the people who crowd onto the pebble beaches.  We've been watching the Euro in Hvar town each night, and enjoying daquiris and other delicious drinks, it's been hilarious watching Kelly try to ask for a Sex on the Beach with a straight face.

We're leaving our paradise tomorrow for Dubrovnik, which is going to be really amazing.  We've only got 9 days left together before going our separate ways, which is really crazy.  We feel as though we've been traveling together for years, and simultaneously as though we've only just met up.  Traveler's time warp!  In any case, things are going really well, and we're looking forward to the next city and the next adventure!


  1. Thanks for blogging Jas, I love it.


    1. Seriously Kelly..."lobster skin" many times have I...never mind, the "Sex on the Beach" all of a sudden seems to over take the lecture on preventative skin, do you recall that conversation? A little bit too much information Jaslyn :)
      Enjoy this stage of your travels! Joan

  2. Ha ha ha! Fun post Jaslyn, and funny comment Joan. OK, my turn. Sex on the not-pebble-beach must be love-on-the-rocks! How awesome that you rented electric bikes and did a big bike ride. Dad noted that you don't seem to be travelling in the cheapest style, but hey, you won't be back to the most beautiful island in the world in a hurry. And if it was 35 degrees, I'd like the electric option too. I'm interested in the abandoned villages - I bet it's cheap to buy a house there?!

    Enjoy Dubrovnik! ...which I'd never heard of when I was 20...

  3. I've never been swimming in super salty water, so I have nothing to compare to, but the sensation of floating without trying sounds really neat.

    I didn't even know electric bikes were a thing! Abandoned villages, lavender fields... It all sounds wonderfully scenic. Looking forward to seeing how it compares to the pearl of the Adriatic!

  4. Joan, I must assure you that we aren't transforming ourselves into party animals just because we're in Europe. It's practically law that we have to try the delicious fruity drinks, though. :)
    lol (lots of love)
