Tuesday 12 June 2012


Hello everyone!  I am happy to confirm that we are indeed alive, though getting internet time has been tricky of late.  Sorry about the lack of posts!
Best buds at Lake Bohinj.
Kel picked me a bouquet!
Slovenia is a really wonderful place.  It's quiet and beautiful, and the people are very friendly.  We spent the weekend in Triglav National Park, in the Julian Alps, on Lake Bohinj.  We stayed in a guesthouse, and really enjoyed the change of speed, as well as the ability to cook for ourselves.  Unfortunately, the weather was a bit bipolar, and it wasn't warm enough to swim.  However, we did a lot of wandering through pastures, fields, and around the lake, and I had fun taking pictures of the scenic surroundings.  Here in Slovenia, rather than having bigger cities and towns spaced out, there are tiny villages everywhere.  Exploring these quaint, sleepy places in the countryside is a delight.  Getting away from the hustle of cities was great for us, and we enjoyed a few sleep ins as well.
Triglav National Park is so pretty!
Life continues as it has for many generations in rural Slovenia.

Today was a really cool day as well.  We took the train out to Postojna, where there is a huge system of caves.  Unfortunately we had to join a giant herd of people on a tour, but our guide was very informative and I learned some interesting things from him.  The caves were absolutely stunning.  Endless stalagmites, stalactites, curtains (thin, see-through, flowing rock formations) and pillars (the
result of stalagmites and stalactites joining).  There were rooms with white formations, which is due to pure calcium sediment, and rooms with red formations, which is due to higher levels of iron and manganese.  We learned that the average speed of growth for the rock formations is 1cm a year, which made it very obvious how very long the cave has been there.  I get excited by old buildings and histories, but I can't really wrap my head around seeing something that is hundreds of thousands of years old.  It was a really amazing experience.  Then we hitchhiked (with a super nice grandfather-type gentleman) to Predjama, where lies a really spectacular castle.  Back in the 12th century, someone decided that building a fortress halfway up a mountain over top of a cave would be a good plan, due to its easily defensible position, and thus began a very long history of occupation.  The caves provided a nice back-up exit, should the castle fall under siege, and there is only one approach to the gates.  The castle itself was cool to explore on our own time, though there wasn't much interpretive information available.  Mostly though, it was cool to look down from the battlements and imagine picking off enemies with catapults.  We're back in Ljubljana now, after catching a ride back to the train station with a really kind German couple, and just planning a hunt for dinner (and obviously dessert).  We're heading on to Croatia tomorrow morning, to Plitvice Lakes.  We're both drooling in anticipation of the upcoming opportunities for photography (look up the Plitvice Lakes, I dare you!).
Predjama Castle
Lots of love from us both!
We're world travelers!
On the way to Croatia!


  1. I have to admit Jaslyn that I am hooked! I have been checking your blog daily for the much anticipated post. Thanks for putting me out of my misery..and yes I have already Googled your next destination in Croatia. Simply stunning! I hope that the weather improves for you. We are having similarly mixed weather here which is stressful considering Kelly's grandparents are visiting from England. Ask Kelly.

    Goodbye Slovenia....hello Croatia. Safe travels you two. Joan

  2. Slovenia sounds lovely, like it was made for exploration. That's the benefit of so many countries dotting a single landscape. There's so much to see in such a smaller area.

    The caves must have been a marvel to behold. Were you able to boast your knowledge of gems and rocks? You did take a course on this stuff once. Don't tell me those lessons haven't paid off!

  3. Hi Jaslyn! Although it is the highlight of the week when you post to your blog, I hope you don't feel pressure to do it. Hopefully it's fun to do when you're in the mood (and have internet access) and it will be a great trip journal. I am printing each of the posts (with comments) for you, a good record of your trip!
    Glad to hear that you've had time to slow down in the mountains, and had some sleep ins. The caves sound cool - reminds me of the ones we went to in Brazil. Do you remember the ones in Mexico too? You were very sick at the time...
    The weather forecast for Plitvice looks awesome! That's the crazy beautiful lakes and waterfalls place! I want to be there too! Enjoy! Don't forget to come out from behind your camera! xo
