Saturday 16 June 2012

Croatia!! (I have no cool pun for this one...)

This is going to be a really quick update, since I'm paying for internet, but just wanted to say that we are in Croatia and it's stunning.  Seriously, the sun lives here, and the places we've been have been photogenic and wonderful to immerse ourselves in.

We had a great time in the Plitvice Lakes area.  The park itself is heavenly.  The waterfalls are innumerable, and the pools are a lovely blue that's crystal clear to the bottom.  I can't wait to show you all pictures!  We were in the park for about 5 hours walking around and taking pictures, and we both really enjoyed it.  The guesthouse we stayed in in Grabovac (a closeby town) was simple but nice, and I was able to rent a bicycle from the proprietor's son.  I did about a 10km route through the countryside, along this canyon of ferns to a defensive bastion built in 1107 and to an old mill.  Despite thunder showers, the ride was very enjoyable.

We're now on the Island of Hvar, after many hours on a bus and then on a catamaran.  It's in the middle of the Adriatic, and boasts the most sun of anywhere in Croatia.  We're in a nice guesthouse a few minutes from the centre of town, and a quick walk to many beautiful pebble and rock beaches.  We spent the day today at the ocean, swimming, lying about in the sun and just generally relaxing.  The town is really neat too, a combination of palm trees, lavender stalls (the island grows lavender everwhere!!) and cobbled streets.  We're really enjoying ourselves!

Sorry to be so brief and without detail, but lots of love from both of us, and we'll check in again soon!


  1. How I wish I were somewhere sunny! It's Test of Metal day in Squamish and it's pouring rain. Connor, Dad & I vollied at the start line but were glad to come home and get warm and dry. You picked the right spring to miss in BC! Glad you were able to squeeze in a post, as it felt like a long time since we'd heard from you. The bike ride sounds great, and I'm glad to hear that you Hvaring a good time. Don't forget the sunscreen! Love Mom

  2. It was a special day today because you and Hanna (aka D2 and D1 !) BOTH posted to your respective trip blogs !! Yay - so awesome to have updates from my favourite girls :) Your mom is right; it sounds like you are having far nicer weather than we are here on the Wet Coast. I googled Island of Havar... absolutely spectacular. As usual, I can't wait to see your photos ! Enjoy the sun and the beach; where are you off to next ? Have fun !
    XOX Moira

  3. I love that you were able to rent a bike from the owner's son. It paints a wonderfully quaint picture in my mind of the people and the area.

    If you want to bring me back a souvenir, a little bit of that sun would be wonderful :).
